Types of Membership

7th Bunker


Country Members have the same entitlements as Full Members.  However, they are not eligible to vote, hold office nor are they eligible to win club championships, shield events, Foursomes, Mixed Foursomes, Veterans or Monthly Medal.

NOTE: A player can only apply to be a country member if residing more than 30 kilometres away and are a financial member of another golf club.



Existing members of St Helens Golf Club Inc may apply in writing to the Board for consideration to be classified as a senior member.

Qualification criteria will include, but not be limited to: Be current and hold Full Membership of St Helens Golf Club Inc for a minimum of 15 continuous years.  Aged 75 years+ and has been an active member as a past Board Member, Committee Member, Volunteer worker at club functions and/or helped with course maintenance.

The reclassification to Senior Member status is at the sole discretion of the Board.  There is no automatic qualification.  Each application will be assessed on its merits.  Senior Member status will enable the member to play one round of golf per week (one round of Veteran’s Day, Ladies Day, Chicken Run, Saturday Competition or social round).

Senior Members’ subscription fees shall be 50% of Full Member subscription fees.  A Senior Member shall have full voting rights.